First I make the DIF spécial for Prostreet.
These very fisrt design, is more a draft for look and show the fonctionnal solution than to have a building solution.
The building solution dépends from you machine possibility, in your state. In France it is very limited like in a state in way of insdustry for tommorow (but in the next 20 or 30 years), in UK or Empire or USA you have many modern machine with many size capacity near your garage.
The building solution dépends also of the quality you want. The price ...etc...
In these very first draft I show it in prostreet solution and explain that the iron is not a very hight quality. But the reason is not realy for quality and monney. After the design, the cheap for buid it, in realy, is an advantage for Custom builder. If these DIF with not hard steel run right for Prostreet, these same DIF with very hard steel titanium alloy can be use for ULTIMATE RACE with TOP FUEL NITRO HARLEY with size mall change.
I thing that the Top fuel must have a crab on the DIF in teh first feet of starting. And an electronic control to stop the crab cluch if a wheeling start. A friction clutch may be to small, A test with the 2 solutions can be make.
After I try an other fonctionnal solution because the place for Elastic coupling for aligning the hypertsattic Tapered roller bearing is small and the Industrial Elastic coupling is heavy weight.
These bad solution is possible only for prostreet, but a big advantage a custom builder have less difficult to weld the chassis and align 2 hole like on a swing arm. It is a pragmatic solution.
Be careful these solution can be use only on prostreet same as you design a DIF for OIL. We talk always with DIF using grease because it is in place just for sécuritty and warm tire.
With very hard power the central shaft have alot of déformation. In prostreet solution, not in car or trike solution, the lenght is limit but acceptable. WHY? Because for they are deformation of the shaft the 2 wheels are glued to the bitumen, if not the power are 0 and the déformation are 0 and the DIF stop the Wheeling. What happen if the central shaft have to mutch déformation? The gears can be blocked. But in 2x2 configuation not in wheeling that is not a problem. It is a problem if we want the wheels run with différent speed. And we want that if they are wheeling. In wheeling time, naturaly, the shaft lose déformation.
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At these time I try to think at all advanatge about a shaft inside the mechanical. Like everybody the first advantage is to control a Clutch more easily than an external system. I don't found an other advantage à these time but after a very first draft for a DIF....bla bla bla, ......same as a very first draft of prostreet, fonctionnal, quality, price building solution, the DIF for trike wheels chair driver can also be a DIF for dual snowmobile, becasue in more to control a clutch easily, THAT PERMIT to make a WHEELCHAIR TRIKE, the shaf can be also a warm pipe. Electric warm pipe, exaust warm pipe or water warm pipe. I'm not sure beause I never design machine for too cold situation, but I think that it is to expensive and too heavy to design a trike-snowmobile with oil injection and warm oil transmission system and I suppose a simple trike solution failed when the weather is too cold. If it is the reason, the First draft about the DIF for wheelchair trike can be a fonctionnal solution.To see.
I'm thinking that a Trike for wheelchaior must have compulsory a control to look the DIF, because the trike must be use on grass, sand, mud,....when the driver enter in the garden of his family or at home. If not I think it is an exroquery to want to sale a wheelchairtrike. With a Dif which can be look I thonk they are enought possibility to ride slowly on many qulity of ground for it is correct. A trike just for tar (bitimen) is not enought and saty for valid driver.
The DIF can be make lik a traditionnal TRIKE, if you are a machineshop with enought capacity near you. That is your quality possibily and monney possibility.
I dedide to design a DIF for the custom builder can use easily and if you can't
have the machine to align with enought qality with a space of 40".
And also in these situation I decide to
use industrial coupling with convex gear.
In Résume i decide to make the
more difficul design for an easily building. In converse of a simply design
which Imposes a to very good manufacturing quality for a small number
manufacture or a desert industrial like France. (In more,same as you found
amachine shop, like you see with my 2wd France is in CIVIL WAR economic against
human for Impose only the aristocrats and extremists at the economic power).
I choice, in place of a traditionnal join, an industrial coupling with convex gear because without priority to have a very small diamétre size, the convex gear have a big place in the middle and can be less weight that a traditionnal join.
In these situation which you have not possibility to build a 40" in one part, for the container and contents. You have also the possibility to make, by exemple these solution, a simple shaft to deisgn like that. Very very less wheight than a join, and for these project enought angle free ( more or less 1,5 dégre). Same as a machine shop can build it for you that will be to expensive. Is you want pay quality like a Formula One racer, no problem.
What you can make with less price, you can make also with big monney with more quality, not the converse. The solution with less price is to use the industrial part. Sure it is more heavy and let less place in middle. It is more job for the design, but for a very small number of TRIKE is possible.
That is the rules of these draft, with are more a fonctionnal exemple than a design project. For the design project it is nescessary to have the machine park you can be use. the budget possible.....
The great idea for the coast of wheelchairtike becomeless is to found many, many application, like that somebody invest in a gear serie product.
Some application:
dual snowmobile, crane, machine gun for army,
The trike like a truck for the bring ammo, machine logistic genie...